Digital Marketing for Event

Digital Marketing for Event, Expo and Exhibition

Businesses participate or conduct various events, expo, trade shows and exhibitions in their own country or on an international platform. Participating in the event helps in meeting the core business agendas such as lead generation, selling more tickets, fund generation, etc. Moreover, it gives many other benefits such as increased reach, popularity, and authority for the business. This is really helpful when you want to create a stronger digital brand of your business. However, all these can be achieved only if your digital marketing is strong and strategic.

We, Digital Marketers India, offer strategic and result oriented full-service digital marketing services to the business for their participation in,

  • Event
  • Expo
  • Tradeshow
  • Exhibition

How It Works?

Milestone Setup

As soon as you hire us for your event’s digital marketing, we schedule a kickoff meeting in which we discuss your event, your expectations, and your resources. We make sure to use your existing resources such as, designer, developer, content writer, etc. to assure you can get the benefits of better resource utilization and ROI.

Research and Strategy Building

Our digital marketing expert performs thorough research on the event, audience and other key aspects related to the event. Based on the collected information, she creates a complete digital marketing plan, including all channels: Search, Social Media, and Email.

Event Marketing

Based on predefined and approved event digital marketing plan, we execute each milestone as per the set deadlines. We coordinate with your team and lead the marketing project in the most effective manner. We also provide value-added services based on our rich experience of marketing companies and business for the expo, trade show, and other events.

The event marketing starts with announcements; continue with aggressive marketing and concludes with a final wrap up content distribution.

Final Report

At the end of the event, we provide a complete report of the activities performed and the benefits gained for your reference.

Whether the event is a charity event, crowdfunding campaign or an international business trade show, we can help you to get maximum exposure. We have a team of experienced digital marketing expert that hold mastery in promoting an event on the digital landscape to increase brand benefits as well as physical footfalls to your stall or event. We offer complete online marketing service with pre-event, during the event and post-event advertising so you can make maximum returns.

We have promoted businesses participating in big tradeshow and receive not only business, leads, and appreciation, but also awards, rewards, and opportunities to get featured on the main board/screen of the respective event/tradeshow.

Some of the events for which we have marketed IT companies are as follows:

  • GITEX, Dubai
  • ITExpo, Florida, USA
  • CeBIT, Germany and Australia
  • Indo Africa ICT Expo, Africa
  • CAO (Chief Analytics Officer), Boston
  • Graph Expo, USA
  • AI and Big Data Event, USA
  • Vibrant Gujarat, India
  • Convergence India, India

Key Digital Marketing Services offered:

SEO / Content Marketing

Create long lasting digital footprints with our strategic SEO and content marketing services. Web banner design, landing page design and development, and content marketing are performed by the expert team for you to create a strong digital presence.

Social Media Marketing

Reach your audience in real time, and engage with them with well defined and executed SMM service. Banner design, marketing post graphics, response to comments and private messaging and many more activities are included to give you the best exposure.

Paid Advertising

Google certified Adwords experts will run various campaigns on Search and social media to increase exposure and leads.

Email Marketing

We assure you to send the right email, at the right time, to the right audiences to gain the best results. From an announcement event to a reminder and a post-event newsletter, we include everything as part of digital event marketing.


We provide expert consultancy service to take care of all small to a big aspect of the event such as booth design, booth graphics, flyer, attire, way of conversation, etc., so you can put your best foot forward.

Data Mining and Prospecting

We offer ‘Hire Virtual Assistant’ service as part of our event marketing offering. The hired VA will perform data mining activities to collect leads and send them a professional email to schedule a meeting or visit to the booth. The VA will also assure you to add data in your CRM or predefined tool so you can use the mined lead data in the future.

Marketing Collateral Development

An event needs different marketing collateral than you generally have. We will perform required content writing, graphics designing, and development of marketing collateral such as flyer, case studies, portfolio, etc.

Key Benefits of Digital Event Marketing Services:

We understand each event is different and so does each business. Thus, we create a custom digital marketing plan for each event and company. There are many benefits of using our digital event marketing services, including, but not limited to:

  • Tailored marketing plan as per your budget and preferences
  • Strategic planning of the event by expert marketers
  • On time execution of set marketing milestones
  • Increased reach and exposure
  • Best utilization of your existing team and resources
  • On-site and off-site marketing tips and support
  • Better management of the whole event and your participation
  • A complete solution at one place
  • SEO benefits
    • Increased backlinks
    • Increased website visitors

We have helped many companies to gain more than expected benefits from their event participation with our expert digital event marketing services. You can be the next. Let’s discuss more personally. Contact Us NOW!